Julien Genestoux

You can also find me there (and probably many many other places that I have lost track of):

I created Jobetudiant, my first company, while still in school. After nearly 20 years, Jobetudiant is still one of the largest job board for students in France. I was nominated by BusinessWeek as one of Europe’s Best Entrepreneur Below 25 in November 2006.

In 2009, I founded Superfeedr which became one of the leading real-time web API. Superfeedr received funding from Mark Cuban and Betaworks and became profitable less than a year later. Superfeedr was later acquired by Medium. At Medium, I lead the company’s SEO effort and quadrupled the share of traffic Medium receives from search. I also successfuly implemented syndication protocols such as Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages and Facebook’s Intant Articles.

I am a strong open web advocate. I co-authored the W3C WebSub protocol and spoke at numerous international conferences and events such as Google IO, Le Web, Blend WebMix, JSConf EU. I also co-organized the Realtime Conf in the US and Europe.

I invested in some of my friends’ startups and projects as well as advise a few companies who are trying to make the web a better place.

I was born in France in 1982 and I currently live in Brooklyn, NY with my wife and three young kids, Hannah, Basile and Giselle.

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